Requirements for Permanent Residence Application ① "What is the requirement for good conduct?"永住許可申請の要件① 「素行善良要件とは」
The guidelines for permanent residence permits state that:
(1) good conduct
Abide by the law and live a life that is not socially criticized as a resident.
"Good conduct" means that you obey the law and live a life that is not socially criticized as a resident, and do not cause trouble to others in your daily life.
You have not been sentenced to imprisonment, incarceration, or a fine for violating Japanese law.
⇒You have no criminal record or history of protective measures under the Juvenile Law, and you have fulfilled your public duties such as paying health insurance premiums, pensions, and tax obligations.
You have not committed multiple traffic violations during your previous stay.
⇒Drunk driving, driving without a license, speeding over 20 km, etc. are likely to not meet the requirements. Even minor violations such as violations of the Road Traffic Act are likely to not meet the requirements if they are committed repeatedly.
International students and those on family visas, etc., are working with permission from the Immigration Bureau for activities other than those permitted by the status of residence, or are not overworking. ⇒Even if you have permission to engage in activities outside the scope of your status of residence permitted, if you work more than 28 hours a week, it is highly likely that you will not meet the requirements.
As long as you do not violate any laws in your daily life, you can safely assume that you meet the requirements.
- 日本の法律に違反して,懲役,禁錮又は罰金刑を受けていないこと。
⇒前科または少年法による保護処分歴がないこと、健康保険料、年金の支払いや納税義務等の公的義務を履行していること。 - 過去の在留の中で多数回の交通違反をしていないこと。
⇒飲酒運転や無免許運転、20キロを超えるスピード違反等は要件を満たさないとされる可能性が高いです。道路交通法違反等軽微な違反であっても繰り返し行う場合は同じく要件を満たさないとされる可能性が高いです。 - 留学生や家族滞在等のビザの方が入管から資格外活動の許可を得て仕事をしていること、あるいはオーバーワークをしていないこと。
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