Requirements for Permanent Residence Application 3 ③What is the national interest requirement?永住者許可申請の要件③ 国益適合要件とは?

The national interest requirement is whether the applicant's permanent residence in Japan will be beneficial to Japan. Please note that some of the national interest requirements overlap with the good conduct requirement in ①.Please see here for ①.

The following requirements are set out in the guidelines for permanent residence permission.

A. In principle, the applicant must have continuously resided in Japan for more than 10 years.

Continuously in this case means that the status of residence continues to remain uninterrupted.

If the applicant leaves Japan and stays overseas without receiving "re-entry permission (including deemed re-entry permission)", or if the "re-entry permission" is granted but expires while the applicant is overseas, the applicant will not be considered to have "continuously" resided in Japan.

In addition, for the last 5 years of the 10-year period, the applicant must have continuously resided with a working status (Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services, Business Manager, etc.) or a resident status (Spouse of a Japanese national, etc.).

Example (OK)

  • Came to Japan as a "study abroad" and went to school for 4 years, then went to "Technical/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" for 6 years

Example (NG)

  • Came to Japan as a "study abroad" and went to school for 6 years, then went to "Technical/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" for 4 years

Need one more year in "Technical/Specialist in Humanities/International Services".

B. Not having received a fine or imprisonment. Properly fulfilling public obligations.

  • In addition to paying taxes and public pension and public health insurance premiums, you are required to fulfill obligations such as filing notifications as stipulated in the Immigration Control Act.

① Taxes are properly declared and paid.

② No outstanding public pension or public health insurance premiums.

(※ If you have been enrolled in the National Pension or National Health Insurance for a period of time, you must submit receipts, so be careful.)

(※ Even if you are an Engineer, Specialist in Humanities, or International Services employee, if there is a gap between leaving Company A and joining Company B, you are obligated to enroll in the National Pension and National Health Insurance and pay the premiums, but many people do not go through this procedure, so be careful.)

③ You are required to comply with obligations such as filing a report regarding your period of affiliation.

C. You are currently residing with the maximum period of stay stipulated in the Immigration Control Act for your current status of residence.

※ For the time being, if you have a period of stay of "3 years," you will be treated as "residing with the maximum period of stay."

D. There is no risk of harm from a public health perspective.

・You are not a patient of an infectious disease or a chronic addict of narcotics, marijuana, opium, or stimulants.

Based on recent trends in screening, particular importance is being placed on a. length of stay and b. performance of public obligations.

In addition, the revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, which was passed and enacted on June 14, 2024, includes a new provision that allows the permanent resident permit to be revoked for foreigners who intentionally do not pay health insurance premiums or various taxes. The key word here is "intentionally," but even after obtaining permanent resident permission, you will still be required to pay your health insurance premiums and various taxes properly.





 「再入国許可 (みなし再入国許可を含む)」を受けずに日本を出て、海外に滞在した場合や、「再入国許可」は受けたけれど、海外にいる間に期限が切れてしまった場合には、「引き続き」日本に住んでいることにはなりません。

例 (OK)


例 (NG)



※ 納税・公的年金及び公的医療保険の保険料の納付に加えて、入管法に定める届出等の義務を履行していることが求められます。







※ 当面の間は、在留期間「3年」を有する場合は,「最長の在留期間をもって在留している」ものとして取り扱われます。



近年の審査傾向からすると、ア.在留年数 イ.公的義務の履行が特に重要視されています。



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