What is a residence card?

A residence card is issued to foreigners who are residing in Japan for a medium to long term period (a period of stay longer than three months) along with permission related to their residence, such as permission to land, permission to change their residence status, permission to renew their period of stay, etc.

・What is written on a residence card

The following information is written on a residence card.

⑴ Name [NAME]

⑵ Date of Birth [DATE OF BIRTH]

⑶ Gender [SEX]

⑷ Nationality/Region [NATIONALITY/REGION]

⑸ Place of Residence [ADDRESS]

⑹ Status of Residence [STATUS]

⑺ Presence or Absence of Employment Restrictions

⑻ Period of Stay (Expiration Date) [PERIOD OF STAY (DATE OF EXPIRATION)]

⑼ Type of Permission

⑽ Date of Permission

⑾ Date of Issue

⑿ Validity of Residence Card [PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF THIS CARD]

⒀ Residence Card Number [No.]

Mid- to long-term residents can receive a residence card and can also register as residents with their local city, town, or village.

・Expiration date of residence card

For permanent residents aged 16 or older, the validity period of the residence card is 7 years from the date of issue.

For permanent residents aged under 16, the validity period of the residence card is until their 16th birthday.

For non-permanent residents aged 16 or older, the validity period of the residence card is until the expiration date of their period of stay, and for those under 16, the validity period is until the earlier of the expiration date of their period of stay or their 16th birthday.

・Obligation to carry residence card and penalties

It is mandatory by law to carry a residence card at all times.

Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Carrying and Presentment of Passport, etc.)

Article 23, Paragraph 2: Mid- to long-term residents must receive a residence card issued by the Minister of Justice or returned by the mayor of the city, town, or village, and must carry it with them at all times.

If you do not carry your residence card, you will be fined up to 200,000 yen as follows.

Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act

Article 75-3: Anyone who fails to carry a residence card in violation of Article 23, paragraph 2, will be punished with a fine of up to 200,000 yen.

Some people think that it's okay to carry a passport, but you are not exempt from the obligation to carry your residence card at all times. Make sure you carry it with you at all times.

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